
Posts Tagged ‘World Citizen’

Many have asked if the TAO Metaversity will be offering degrees or certification. Up until recently, the answer was no. That conversation has changed.

The TAO Metaversity will offer one certification upon completion of any programs offered through the TAO Metaversity. The programs are Sacred Activism, Universal Family, Oneness of Youth, Integral Medicine, Excavating the Wealth of Women. In the next few weeks, each program will be introduced with the main format  given. As each program is introduced, the TAO Metaversity will  invite teachers to apply to teach at the Metaversity. The programs will offer a home to teachers who are ready to be part of a co-creative  global faculty, teaching a world curriculum.

With that said, the certification earned through the TAO Metaversity is given birth here, with a proper introduction.

Honorary: Conferring or commemorating honor or distinction.

Metaversal: The Metaverse*, “rather than the Big Bang Theory, may have been born in the womb of a prior “meta-universe”: a Metaverse.” ”The term meta comes from classical Greek, signifying “behind”, “in addition to” or “beyond” in this case meaning a vaster, more fundamental universe that is behind, in addition to or beyond the universe we inhabit.

Humanitarian:  Pertaining to the saving of human lives or to the alleviation of suffering.

The Honorary Metaversal Humanitarian is a person who recognizes:

1. The distinction of Honorary is given because they have recognized  their calling, they have the courage to claim that calling, are integrating  all of what they are, and are giving themselves to the World.

2. There is much more to this universe and they are opening themselves up to be inclusive of what is seen, unseen,  behind, in addition to and beyond, all of which is expanding their world. In doing that, they expand the world  around them.

3. As a Metaversal Humanitarian, their saving of life and alleviation of suffering extends to all  Beings, human included, but not exclusive of nature and a commitment to multi-dimensional understanding.

As we move into the recognition of who we are, this certification becomes self-evident and appreciated by oneself first, emanating naturally to every Being, each recognizing the connection of everything. Each student remembers that I am home. I am that which I have searched for. And with that recognition, the Honorary Metaversal Humanitarian signs their name with the credentialing of, Home. This signifies the introduction of  a universal citizen. They are a citizen that  remembers, “the  boundaries of “our universe” are not the boundaries of “The Universe.” *

*Ervin Laszlo’s description of The Metaverse in his book, Science and the Akashic Field.

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