
Read My Work

2012 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The new Boeing 787 Dreamliner can carry about 250 passengers. This blog was viewed about 1,600 times in 2012. If it were a Dreamliner, it would take about 6 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

2012 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The new Boeing 787 Dreamliner can carry about 250 passengers. This blog was viewed about 1,600 times in 2012. If it were a Dreamliner, it would take about 6 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

Time to Play.

My son and I play cards each time we get together. He lives 5 states away so it’s not often enough. While visiting recently, we sat at Starbucks having a chai and marble bread while dealing out 10 cards for our game of Gin Rummy. Game after game we picked up our cards, organized them into groupings of runs and eventually one of us completes the requirements to qualify for the title of winner. For those who don’t play, you need two threes of a kind and one four of a kind. We play until one of us cries, “Uncle” because we are tired of losing.

I must have played this game 100’s if not 1000’s of times. I always deal because I can shuffle and do the “bridge shuffle” that we both still appreciate when it flows  without cards flying. With this particular hand, I dealt the cards, picked up my hand and shook my head. I put them into some kind of order hoping to make something out of nothing. As I’m was doing that he was giggling and thanking me for the “poor shuffle”. (He lays  his groups of cards facedown on the table as he fulfills the requirements. He laid down two sets before we even begin the game.  I was looked over my hand and wondered what I could make out of it before he won.) He picked up the first card and discarded it for me to pick up. I was pleased because it tied together two cards that  just moments before were – trash bate. With this new addition, I now had one three of a kind. I discarded, he passed up my discard and  picked from the pile. He scanned the four cards left in his hand and discarded the card he had just picked. I picked it up and placed it in my hand. As I looked over my hand to find one to toss, I saw a combination that became visible with the addition of this card. I reorganized my cards and saw how  organization was taking place in my hand. Just two cards previous to that, I saw only chaos. I tossed a card and he looked at me with suspicion. “Are you going to win?”, he asks. I shrugged my shoulders because my answer was changing with each card dealt. He picked up the next card, discarded it, I pass on that card and picked up the next one. “Wow”, I thought to myself as I reorganized my cards again.  I moved around a few cards and saw that I only needed one more card to win. I discarded and looked into his eyes which had been watching my major remodel. I saw uncertainty in his expression. He picked up the next card, scanned his hand, looked at me, at my cards and slowly laid down the card he had just picked up. I looked at the card and saw he had just handed me victory. I looked at him  and he slightly cocked his head with a silent suspicion that he may have  to endure my victory dance. I picked up the card, placed it in my hand, removed the card that had been its place keeper and laid it down – face down. I laid out my cards and shook my head. He couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe it. He had only needed one card – I had needed ……. a lot.

Right then, it occurred to me how life plays Gin Rummy. Metaphorically, it sometimes deals us hands that look like total trash, chaos, no matches, no use, a mistake, a mess, having no value. We shuffle them around and work with them all the while wondering if we shouldn’t just start over – throw in our entire hand and start over. Holding the cards we’re dealt, we start playing the game. Slowly we participate, one thought here and one action there. Then, because we played, we get the next card. “Hum”, we look at our cards and see a possibility. We place the card in our hand and release another. We release a card we thought we should keep – would be important, had value and significance. None the less, we release it. Next card comes and we feel ourselves smile a little. “Really?”, we find ourselves saying as we place the card in our hand. We scan our hand and see a possible match. We place it in our hand and release another card that we didn’t think we would ever let go. It represented a major foundation in our hand and we were taught we really should have one. We feel a little twinge of fear as we release that card. There it lays before us. We stare at it and wonder if we should hurry and pick it back up before anyone sees we released it. The next card is ready to be dealt to us. Are we ready to receive it or do we pick up the one we just released? The choice is ours. We nod to life, who is the dealer, for the next card. Life rolls up its sleeves because it now knows it has a willing participant. Next card is dealt. “No way”, we find ourselves saying our loud. “That’s …….”,  and we pick up the card before completing the sentence. We place the card in our hand and feel a new strength enter with its placement. We straighten up our hand, sit up a little taller and see the beauty that is unfolding right before our eyes – being held in our own hand(s). We release another card. This card is one we identified with our whole lives. We carried it around with us because …….  everyone we know has one. We slowly push it back and forth in our hand, place it between our fingers, feel it and contemplate its release as we look at Life. We release it. Life now looks straight at us and says, “Are you going to win this?” Looking at Life, without hesitation,  we say, “Deal me the next card”. The next card is dealt and we look at it, we just look at it. We look at the card laying before us and see how perfectly this less than perfect hand has unfolded. We see how many things had to fall into place for this hand to be dealt as it was. We look at life and shake our heads in amazement and gratitude. We had heard life was tough and might cheat us out of happiness. We look at the card and move gracefully towards it. We feel each heartbeat, each muscle that we use to pick it up. We feel the texture, the emotions, the freedom of placing it in our hand. We run our finger across the hand and gladly releases the card that releases us. We lay  down our hand, all of it.  We fan it out with the touch of an artist exhibiting their life’s work. We share  our miraculous win exuding joy. We smile and look at Life who is looking at us – reflecting Our joy.

“Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well.”

                                                                  – Robert Louis Stevenson

A month ago as I was leaving a coffee shop,  a young man approached me with this question, “Do you have any change?”. I stood looking at him and for the first time, I heard this question – differently.

I’ve been approached numerous times by others who have asked the same question. Each time I have either moved into my pocket or moved past them. Each time there was an ex – change between us. Each previous person invited me to the moment that this particular young man clarified for me. In the previous exchanges, I interpreted the question to mean, “Do I have any change?, in the form of dimes, quarters, dollars. Each time I made it about that kind of change. Each time I either gave the monies or not. But this young man with his deep blue eyes, blond hair and intense expression, stopped me in my tracks. Stopped me in my interpretation and stopped my mind from thinking …… stopped me from thinking,  I knew what he was asking. I stood there before a teacher who asked a student, “Do you have any change?”

I asked him his name and he referred to himself as Mike. He shared his story and the uncertainty of the next minute, hour and days that lie in front of him.  He shared from an open, honest, uncertainty that opened me up to hear that I could be in his shoes and have, in fact,  been at  moments when life seemed to scramble “my plans”. After he shared his story, I thanked him for sharing  his courage and  his love that had brought him to me and to the sister he had  come to town to help. I thanked him for approaching me so that my filter of experience could be changed.

His message to me was this. Do I have any change? Do I have any change to bring to those who seem lost, angry, fearful, homeless? Do I have any change, without regard to its form,  to share with seeming strangers who visit my life for brief moments? Do I have the courage to give change regardless of how it is received?  He gave me a choice of what kind of relationship to life and love I want. He, gave me, change.

I gave him what I had at that moment. It included money which was the least of what was given and received. He received my gratitude and hug while he gave me a priceless awareness of the world I participate in. He opened himself up to receive the change that he was witnessing. He gave me   the opportunity for change and to open  and share.   He gave me change.

As we parted, I stood for a few minutes wondering, “Who was that person?” And even that question he gave me because of his presence and choice to stop long enough to ask me, for change, to change, be change.  I received a gift that continues to unfold. I hoped he received something as valuable from me in our exchange.

Thank you Mike or whomever you are. You brought me to who I Am because of who You Are.

  “Be the change that you want to see in the world.”   Mahatma Gandhi

Worlds are built, one stone at a time.

Sitting under a flowering tree, the first stone was set to signify the corner stone in the building of the TAO Metaversity. This corner stone set in Kayenta, represents the physical manifestation of the TAO Metaversity coming into form. With its many facets, the TAO Metaversity begins the process of building a home on the web as well as a home on the planet. The stone serves as a trumpet to signify the long awaited call of the global village inviting all to join in oneness.

In the coming weeks, there will be much unfolding to introduce the TAO Metaversity, its curriculum, programs, academies and an invitation to the global faculty who  join to teach a global curriculum offered through the online Metaversity as well as hubs like Kayenta, throughout the world.

“The energy around you is changing and it’s necessary for you to change your perceptions of what is around you – what is yours to manage and change and how you can actually call upon the creator inside to recreate what you thought was unchangeable. Many will see you as even stranger than they imagined you were, saying that you can manifest seeming miracles, but you are just learning the way things really work.” Kryon

Seating is limited. Call today to reserve your seat. 801.541.3432

“The energy around you is changing and it’s necessary for you to change your perceptions of what is around you – what is yours to manage and change and how you can actually call upon the creator inside to recreate what you thought was unchangeable. Many will see you as even stranger than they imagined you were, saying that you can manifest seeming miracles, but you are just learning the way things really work.” Kryon

Seating is limited. Call today to reserve your seat. 801.541.3432

Sacred Activism. What does that mean to you – to be a Sacred Activist? What are the effects of sacred activism?

Those are some of the questions that are being asked in  circles of conversations as the Sacred Activism program is being co-created.

As these questions are asked, answers are given. Offering this story as an example, the importance of becoming a Sacred Activist is answered.

This story was told by a Native American, Mahtowin, who was 19 and a participant at the time . The following  story was written by Rita Bresnahan, after she heard the story in September, 2008 at the annual nation-wide gathering of Crones Counsel. This article was included in Crone Magazine, Summer into Winter 2009 issue.

THERE IS A PLACE to most of us know as Mount Rushmore. To natives of the plains, it is the heart of Turtle Island (North America). It is said that if you were to fly over the Black Hills, you would see that the hills have the shape of the human heart. This place was the last stronghold of the native people, and they fought desperately to save it from invasion.

In the early 1970’s a group of about one hundred Native Americans decided to visit the top of Mount Rushmore to hold a healing ceremony for the mountain that had been carved and gouged into the faces of former presidents. On the assigned morning of the ceremony, we gathered at the bottom of the mountain and began our ascent to the top. As the group walked, we sang, chanted and prayed. After several hours, we arrived at the top and formed the ancient sacred hoop of the nation. Young men made up the outer circle with the older men forming the second circle. The third circle was comprised of the young women and in the center were the grandmothers and children. This has always been the way of the sacred circle. The core of the nation rests with the grandmothers and the children. Without these two, a nation is believed not be able to continue. Once we had established our place within the circle and had begun our ceremony we were startled by the sudden arrival of a group of National Guardsman. The soldier in charge went immediately to the elder men who were leading the ceremony and told them we had to disperse immediately. Words went back and forth among the soldiers and the elders, and tempers began to flare. An order was issued and the young soldiers encircled us with their shouldered guns. The young men on the outer circle shoved the soldiers back and chaos began to reign. Another order was issued and the young soldiers unharnessed their rifles from their shoulders and pointed them in the circle. More natives began to push the limits of the circle and most there knew that soon one or more of us would be shot. In the span of a few moments we were standing as enemies of one hundred years ago.

Just as shots were surely to be fired, without a word spoken between them, the grandmothers rose to their feet in unison. Each grandmother took the hand of a child near her and began to walk to the outer rim of the circle. Those who have been pushing and shouting at the soldiers moved and made a space for each pair as they fanned out to the edges of the circle. It would not do to knock a grandmother or child to the ground, so, out of respect, space was made for them. As the grandmother nearest to me came face to face with the young frightened soldier in her path, she reached out her hand and said, “Grandson, will you walk your grandmother down the mountain?” Each of the other grandmothers had said something similar to the soldier in her path and the top of the mountain was embraced in absolute silence. The soldiers hung their rifles on their shoulders again and offered their arms to the grandmothers to assist them down the mountain. As I looked at the young soldier in front of me, I noticed that he had rears rolling down his cheeks.

Without a word spoken between them, these wise old women defused a very dangerous situation and probably saved several lives that day. They needed no weapons of war to reach a peaceful solution. Their power came from a place of love and a deep and ancient wisdom that is known to all women.

“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage — to move in the opposite direction.” Albert Einstein

Many have asked if the TAO Metaversity will be offering degrees or certification. Up until recently, the answer was no. That conversation has changed.

The TAO Metaversity will offer one certification upon completion of any programs offered through the TAO Metaversity. The programs are Sacred Activism, Universal Family, Oneness of Youth, Integral Medicine, Excavating the Wealth of Women. In the next few weeks, each program will be introduced with the main format  given. As each program is introduced, the TAO Metaversity will  invite teachers to apply to teach at the Metaversity. The programs will offer a home to teachers who are ready to be part of a co-creative  global faculty, teaching a world curriculum.

With that said, the certification earned through the TAO Metaversity is given birth here, with a proper introduction.

Honorary: Conferring or commemorating honor or distinction.

Metaversal: The Metaverse*, “rather than the Big Bang Theory, may have been born in the womb of a prior “meta-universe”: a Metaverse.” ”The term meta comes from classical Greek, signifying “behind”, “in addition to” or “beyond” in this case meaning a vaster, more fundamental universe that is behind, in addition to or beyond the universe we inhabit.

Humanitarian:  Pertaining to the saving of human lives or to the alleviation of suffering.

The Honorary Metaversal Humanitarian is a person who recognizes:

1. The distinction of Honorary is given because they have recognized  their calling, they have the courage to claim that calling, are integrating  all of what they are, and are giving themselves to the World.

2. There is much more to this universe and they are opening themselves up to be inclusive of what is seen, unseen,  behind, in addition to and beyond, all of which is expanding their world. In doing that, they expand the world  around them.

3. As a Metaversal Humanitarian, their saving of life and alleviation of suffering extends to all  Beings, human included, but not exclusive of nature and a commitment to multi-dimensional understanding.

As we move into the recognition of who we are, this certification becomes self-evident and appreciated by oneself first, emanating naturally to every Being, each recognizing the connection of everything. Each student remembers that I am home. I am that which I have searched for. And with that recognition, the Honorary Metaversal Humanitarian signs their name with the credentialing of, Home. This signifies the introduction of  a universal citizen. They are a citizen that  remembers, “the  boundaries of “our universe” are not the boundaries of “The Universe.” *

*Ervin Laszlo’s description of The Metaverse in his book, Science and the Akashic Field.